A few pictures of Cardiff's magnificent Millennium stadium - taken from the Penarth side of the bay, plus a couple from the game vs Argentina in 2014. From an architectural point of view - if you're interested in why one end of the stadium doesn't look finished, the answer is at the bottom of the page.
Pic left.The seats on the left here - at what is now one end of the ground rest on the remaining part of the old stadium, which in turn still supports the Arms Park stadium roof next door.
The Old National Stadium
This is what the old National stadium used to look like. It used to run East/West and the new one has been turned 90 degrees and now faces North/South. You can see in the top picture that the old stadium supported the roof of the Arms Park, (home of Cardiff Blues). The reason the new stadium isn't finished as a complete bowl is that one end of the new one still supports the roof of the Arms Park - which in turn means that the seats at the far end of the Millennium are placed on part of what was the old National Stadium. Got that? In a nut- shell - the Millennium cant be completed until the Arms Park is redeveloped, which doesn't look as though it will ever happen. So, if you're in the Millennium at one end, wondering why your section looks different from the rest, its because you're sitting on 1950's concrete - in what was one of the sides of the ground before it was turned round and not part of the new stadium build.
Its also why you rarely see pictures of the stadium taken from that end - because it clearly isn't finished and just looks plain ugly from outside

Below: Spot the join! This is where the new build Millennium stadium couldn't be finished properly because it still supports the Arms Park next door
The Old National Stadium
This is what the old National stadium used to look like. It used to run East/West and the new one has been turned 90 degrees and now faces North/South. You can see in the top picture that the old stadium supported the roof of the Arms Park, (home of Cardiff Blues). The reason the new stadium isn't finished as a complete bowl is that one end of the new one still supports the roof of the Arms Park - which in turn means that the seats at the far end of the Millennium are placed on part of what was the old National Stadium. Got that? In a nut- shell - the Millennium cant be completed until the Arms Park is redeveloped, which doesn't look as though it will ever happen. So, if you're in the Millennium at one end, wondering why your section looks different from the rest, its because you're sitting on 1950's concrete - in what was one of the sides of the ground before it was turned round and not part of the new stadium build.
Its also why you rarely see pictures of the stadium taken from that end - because it clearly isn't finished and just looks plain ugly from outside

Below: Spot the join! This is where the new build Millennium stadium couldn't be finished properly because it still supports the Arms Park next door
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