I had the opportunity to live and work in Liverpool for 4 years. Like you I've heard all the jokes, remember it featuring on the news throughout the strike torn 70's for all of the wrong reasons and as a follower of LFC marvelled at the football team of the 70's and 80's. So the opportunity to live there was not to be missed., All the stereotypes are more or less true, but in their own place they're brilliant people and it's a hugely compelling city which challenges you to dig a bit deeper, get under its skin and get to know the better. The revamped and impressive centre remains only 1 mile from poverty. New buildings sit uncomfortably beside those that have been derelict for decades. Many areas are a terrible mish mash of Victoriana, 60's failed regeneration and swathes of cleared land for which no new purpose has ever been found. It has beauty and despair rubbing shoulders with one another, the glue of two iconic footballs teams and a proud and justifiable tradition of humour mixed with a realisation that for all the investment (and everything Capital of Culture status brought it) nothing really changed. Its rough and beautiful, hopeful and depressed, blinged up and skint all at the same time and I loved it.
I've lived in South Wales for the best part of 25 years, and for the first few years lived near Pontypool. I used to drive past this shop every day on my way to work in Cardiff. I didn't have a bike license at the time, so it didn't much interest me - but it always struck me as looking as though it was lost in time. Roll on a quarter of a century and even though I don't live near it now, whenever I pass through Pontypool I've found myself taking the side road to see if its still there. I must have said to everyone a thousand times, "I've got to go and take a look" after all, surely it wont still be there next year.... So, at last, welcome to Ray Cowles Motorcycles of Pontypool. When I eventually popped in last week and told him my little story he laughed. It happens quite a lot apparently, people popping in to take pictures.He doesn't mind at all and says hes never been busier - apart from when he was a Honda main agent a few years back. (Hes ...
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