Stop press: June 2013 Hes gone! At Aprils MoT it finally dawned on me that he'd barely moved a muscle for a year - only 250 mikes or so since the last test. So, I put it on Gumtree, not really expecting anything to happen, but it did. David from London trained it down to Cardiff one Saturday with a bag of loot, took a test ride, and then, paperwork done, rode off into the sunset. Colin is now earning his keep commuting into London each day, which is a good thing and the search is now on for a new toy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 2010 : We've just bought a new bike. We've had a few, of which more in other posts, but for the time being have settled on a Yamaha TDM 900 twin, known to everyone as a Tedium. Well I like it! Here he is on his first trip, to Devon. Went ok, bit windy and needs a taller screen, but managed to keep up with everyone apart from the bloke on ...
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